Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Script Your Sparkle

“Your current circumstances are part of your redemption story that the Universe is writing.” – Evinda Lepins

Life! It’s the only bona fide reality we face every single day. To most of us the daily drudge and grind of existence sucks. And yet none of us really pause to take stock of what really ails. We are so terrified and focused on the next negative situation that’s going to crush us that we forget to pause and just BE!

We allow our situations to label our state of mind. Our lifetime conditioning convinces us that our external circumstances define us. The voices in our head start whispering gently enough – “I’d love to do that, but...” or “I’m not that lucky...” or “I wanted to go, but...” Before you know it, these silent voices in our head become our outer shell and caustic persona.

If you allow your past or existing situations to label you, you can be assured that they will eventually destroy you. Your mind will become a possessed excuse factory which will spin out a million reasons as to why you shouldn’t take that leap of faith or crucial decision that could be a game-changer. Your mind will gradually convince you that you can’t change, that your problems are just too massive to be resolved, and that you need to slip into a coma of inescapable fated doom.

If you choose to be at the mercy of life’s events, then be ready to also accept that events have no mercy. However if you choose to change your outlook and attempt to make a change in your heart and not your circumstance, then you will be amazed by what can be! If you can choose to believe that the Universe is scripting a brilliant story that is way bigger than all those myriad pesky circumstances past and present, you will find the strength to transcend the grind and surge ahead into an inspired tomorrow.

Nobody who made it big allowed their circumstances to defeat them. None of the great ones were ever content to settle to the status quo. They opted to look at crushing situations optimistically and take control of their outcome. Their thoughts were the controlling factor of their outcome. They allowed the pain and defeats of their past to become their teachers to guide them into humility and service. The pain helped them look beyond the superficial and forced them onto their true path thereby crafting a destiny for the greater good. And that’s what made for greatness, and history!

There are no extra unwanted actors or roles in the cosmos. Your journey so far has been part of a greater story the Universe has been scripting. We are all here because we have an important role to play. Stop allowing a few negative situations to dim your sparkle. Break free from the toxic victim mindset and embrace the power and potential of your greatness. Stop thinking like an extra, and become the lead role. You are the Star of your Destiny, now start acting like one! 

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